(210) 664-3300

Patient Education

Insurance and Reimbursement

Insurance and Reimbursement By Dr. Benjamin Poest, DDS Insurance and Reimbursement While Simply Crowns offers affordable pricing, we understand that insurance can still play a valuable role in reducing costs, particularly for procedures that aren’t purely cosmetic. After completing treatment at Simply Crowns, patients receive all the necessary paperwork to file an insurance claim. Depending on the specific plan, patients can expect reimbursement of 30-50% of what they’ve paid us. This approach helps patients take advantage of their insurance benefits, even if the initial outlay comes from their own pocket. We handle the details, making it as easy as possible to submit a claim to your insurance provider. Why Choose Simply Crowns? Affordable Pricing: With crowns starting at $699, implant crowns at $1,199, and veneers at $799, Simply Crowns provides a cost-effective alternative for dental restorations. High-Quality Care: We use the same state-of-the-art materials and technology you’d expect at any top dental practice, ensuring that your dental work is durable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. Insurance Assistance: While our prices are significantly lower than the competition, we also help you navigate insurance claims, providing the necessary paperwork for a smooth reimbursement process. Transparent Costs: No hidden fees, no surprise bills—just clear and upfront pricing so you know exactly what to expect. Reach Out to Simply Crowns If you’re looking for an affordable, high-quality option for crowns, implant crowns, or veneers in Central Texas, Simply Crowns may be the solution you need. We provide exceptional care at a fraction of the cost you’d find elsewhere, and we make the insurance process as simple as possible. To learn more or to schedule a consultation, visit www.simplycrowns.com or call us at 210-664-3300. Don’t let rising dental costs stand in the way of your oral health—contact Simply Crowns today to explore how we can help! Contact Us Make an Appointment Today!

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Full Mouth Makeovers in Texas, Pflugerville, San Antonio, San Marcos, and Garland, Simply Crowns Dental Implant Crown and Bridges, Dental Bridge in Pflugerville, San Antonio, San Marcos, and Garland Dr. Poest, Dr. Bhakta, Dr. Talebloo

The Rising Cost of Dentistry

The Rising Cost of Dentistry By Dr. Benjamin Poest, DDS The Rising Cost of Dentistry Advances in dental technology and materials have undoubtedly improved patient care, but they’ve also driven up the cost of dentistry. From high-end digital imaging equipment to the use of more durable, aesthetically pleasing materials, delivering top-tier dental care is more expensive than ever. For patients needing crowns, implants, or veneers, these costs can feel overwhelming, particularly when insurance covers only a small fraction of the total. Simply Crowns: Affordable Dental Care in Central Texas Simply Crowns has recognized the need for an alternative, offering specialized dental services with straightforward pricing and exceptional quality. With a focus on crowns, implant crowns, and veneers, Simply Crowns delivers the high-quality care you need without the high price tag.  Crowns: $699 per crown Implant Crowns: $1,199 per implant crown Veneers: $799 per veneer These prices are often far below what patients would pay at traditional dental practices, where a single crown can easily cost over $1,500. Simply Crowns’ affordable pricing helps ensure patients get the care they need without putting their financial health at risk. Whether you need a crown, a partial makeover, or just a few simple cosmetic enhancements, Simply Crowns can help. With facilities in Pflugerville, San Antonio, and Garland, we are conveniently located to serve patients in the Central Texas area. Our experienced team of professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams. Schedule an appointment today! Pronet Nakliyat company provides professional transportation services in the İstanbul evden eve nakliyat sector. There are corporate and safe transportation works throughout Istanbul and Turkey. In addition to transporting in all districts of Istanbul, it also provides services in offices located in the following districts. There are shipping offices in Bakırköy evden eve nakliyat , Şişli evden eve nakliyat , Maltepe evden eve nakliyat , Sarıyer evden eve nakliyat branches. Contact Us Make an Appointment Today!

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Dental insurance cost

Why Dental Insurance Hasn’t Kept Up with Rising Costs 

Why Dental Insurance Hasn’t Kept Up with Rising Costs How Simply Crowns in Central Texas Can Help Why Dental Insurance Hasn’t Kept Up with Rising Costs – and How Simply Crowns in Central Texas Can Help For years, dental insurance has remained frustratingly stagnant while the cost of dental care has continued to rise. Many people are finding it harder to afford necessary treatments, particularly when it comes to major procedures like crowns, implants, and veneers. Insurance plans often provide inadequate coverage, leaving patients with significant out-of-pocket expenses. Simply Crowns, located in Central Texas, offers a cost-effective solution, providing high-quality dental services at transparent and affordable prices. The Gap Between Insurance and Rising Costs For years, dental insurance has remained frustratingly stagnant while the cost of dental care has continued to rise. Many people are finding it harder to afford necessary treatmDental insurance policies are notoriously outdated. Most plans were designed decades ago and haven’t evolved to reflect the rising costs of modern dentistry. While insurance still covers basic procedures like cleanings and fillings, when it comes to more complex treatments like crowns, implants, and veneers, coverage is often limited, with annual caps that haven’t increased in years. Today, it’s common for dental procedures to cost several thousand dollars, but most insurance plans only provide up to $1,000-$2,000 in total annual benefits. That means patients often end up paying large portions of their dental bills out-of-pocket, especially for restorative treatments like crowns and implants.ents, particularly when it comes to major procedures like crowns, implants, and veneers. Insurance plans often provide inadequate coverage, leaving patients with significant out-of-pocket expenses. Simply Crowns, located in Central Texas, offers a cost-effective solution, providing high-quality dental services at transparent and affordable prices. Whether you need a crown, a partial makeover, or just a few simple cosmetic enhancements, Simply Crowns can help. With facilities in Pflugerville, San Antonio, and Garland, we are conveniently located to serve patients in the Central Texas area. Our experienced team of professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams. Schedule an appointment today! Pronet Nakliyat company provides professional transportation services in the İstanbul evden eve nakliyat sector. There are corporate and safe transportation works throughout Istanbul and Turkey. In addition to transporting in all districts of Istanbul, it also provides services in offices located in the following districts. There are shipping offices in Bakırköy evden eve nakliyat , Şişli evden eve nakliyat , Maltepe evden eve nakliyat , Sarıyer evden eve nakliyat branches. Contact Us Make an Appointment Today!

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Pflugerville location Full Mouth Makeovers in Texas, Pflugerville, San Antonio, San Marcos, and Garland, Simply Crowns Dental Implant Crown and Bridges, Dental Bridge in Pflugerville, San Antonio, San Marcos, and Garland Dr. Poest, Dr. Bhakta, Dr. Talebloo

The Beginning of Simply Crowns

The Beginning of Simply Crowns By Dr. Benjamin Poest, DDS In The Beginning of Simply Crowns I graduated from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry in the summer of 2010. Having spent my entire life in the cold of Michigan, I was ready for a new adventure. A much warmer adventure is what I was seaking so the day after I graduated, I put everything I owned in my new Toyota Camry and drove south to the Promise Land of Texas. I knew no one in Austin, but was ready to start my new career in this exciting city.   I took an associate job as a dentist working for a small group of dental offices. It was a chaotic first job, but I learned a lot about dentistry and how to properly treat patients. As I honed my skills, I also began to learn the business of dentistry and immediately saw that it wasn’t exactly as I had imagined. The offices that I worked at put finances before patients on a regular basis. I became a dentist to help people but found myself being encouraged to help the business and put the needs of my patients second. I knew I had to move on and so I found myself a new path working at a large corporate dental office.   I was assured that this new venture had better morals and I would be given more autonomy. At first, I found this to be true and refreshing. I quickly was offered the opportunity to buy into one of these practices. This gave me the opportunity to own a dental office, yet have support from a large corporate organization that knew how to handle the ins and out of the business of dentistry. The plethora of dental insurances and regulations were more than I wanted to take on myself. With them taking care of that, I was able to focus on building a large and successful dental practice where I spent 8 years serving my community.   As I grew more mature, I realized that the business of dentistry seemed to be creeping into the practice of dentistry evermore. I continued to see my colleagues and profession as a whole choose financial gain over proper patient care. I saw that treatment was getting more expensive and treatment plans larger and larger. It seemed like everywhere I looked dentists were encouraged to drill more in order to bill more. Group think caused my colleagues to justify these new norms and the large corporations, like I had partnered with, were spearheading these new financial gains. I knew this isn’t what I wanted and I decided I would find a way to reverse these measures that were plaguing patients pocket books.   I noticed that the highest profit margins were in the more expensive aspects of dentistry such as crowns, veneers, and implants. I had learned that the cost of fabricating these restorations were no where near the cost that the patient was paying. Crowns cost less than $100 to me but I, along with all of my colleagues, were charging closer to $1500 for this service. This was great for my bottom line, but I found more and more that my patients could not afford the dentistry that they needed. The business of dentistry has a very large overhead and most dentists are generalists that do all aspects of dentistry. I saw this along with other measures make our work too expensive for most. I decided that I would take on the cost of dental crowns and build a business that focused on this procedure exclusively. Instead of looking at how much I could justify charging my patients for my services, I tried to see how low of a price I could charge and still have a successful business. After much thought, Simply Crowns was born.   Simply Crowns is a dental office that goes against the norms of traditional dental practices. We put the patient first and are truly passionate about taking care of our patients oral needs along with their financial situations. By focusing on a single element of dentistry we have been able to maintain the lowest costs in the country for the services that we provide. This has also allowed us to become very efficient and successful in our treatment. Please visit www.simplycrowns.com to learn more about what we are doing and how we can help you with your oral health needs while keeping your hard earned money in your pocket. Whether you need a crown, a partial makeover, or just a few simple cosmetic enhancements, Simply Crowns can help. With facilities in Pflugerville, San Antonio, and Garland, we are conveniently located to serve patients in the Central Texas area. Our experienced team of professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams. Schedule an appointment today! Pronet Nakliyat company provides professional transportation services in the İstanbul evden eve nakliyat sector. There are corporate and safe transportation works throughout Istanbul and Turkey. In addition to transporting in all districts of Istanbul, it also provides services in offices located in the following districts. There are shipping offices in Bakırköy evden eve nakliyat , Şişli evden eve nakliyat , Maltepe evden eve nakliyat , Sarıyer evden eve nakliyat branches. Contact Us Make an Appointment Today!

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Importance of Maintaining Crowns & Veneers

Importance of Maintaining Crowns & Veneers Proper maintenance of dental crowns and veneers is crucial for their longevity and your overall oral health. Regular cleaning, checkups, and following your dentist’s recommendations can help ensure your restorations continue to function and look their best for years to come. Importance of Maintaining Crowns & Veneers​ Dental crowns and veneers are fantastic solutions for restoring the functionality and aesthetics of your smile. Whether you’re considering getting new crowns or veneers from Simply Crowns for $699.00 and $799.00 respectively, or you’re already enjoying their benefits, it’s crucial to understand how to maintain them properly to ensure they last for many years. Here’s a comprehensive guide to keeping your dental restorations in top shape and maximizing their longevity. Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is the cornerstone of keeping your crowns and veneers in pristine condition. Just like with natural teeth, brushing and flossing are essential to prevent plaque and bacteria buildup around your dental restorations. Brushing: Aim to brush your teeth twice daily using a fluoride toothpaste. Ensure you use a soft-bristled brush to gently clean around the crowns and veneers without causing damage. Brushing helps remove food particles and bacteria that can lead to plaque formation and potential decay. Flossing: Daily flossing is crucial, whether you may prefer regular floss or water picking. Ensure cleaning around the edges of your crowns and veneers where the restoration meets your natural teeth. Flossing removes food particles and plaque that your toothbrush might miss, reducing the risk of gum disease and decay. One of the most significant risks to the longevity of dental crowns and veneers is the accumulation of bacteria and plaque. When plaque is not effectively removed, it can harden into tartar and lead to decay under or around the crown or veneer. This decay can compromise the integrity of the restoration and potentially lead to more severe dental issues. Your diet and lifestyle choices can significantly impact the longevity of your dental crowns and veneers. Consuming sugary drinks, including soda and fruit juices, can be particularly harmful. The sugar in these beverages feeds the bacteria in your mouth, leading to plaque formation and increasing the risk of decay. This risk applies not only to those with crowns or veneers but also to individuals with natural teeth. To protect your dental investments and your overall oral health, consider reducing your intake of sugary drinks and rinse your mouth with water if you do consume them. Smoking is detrimental to oral health in many ways. It irritates the gums, leading to gum disease and a decline in gum health. For individuals with dental crowns or veneers, smoking can also affect the adhesive bond between the restoration and the tooth, potentially causing issues with fit and longevity. If you smoke, quitting can significantly improve both your oral health and the durability of your dental restorations. A balanced diet rich in nutrients is essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Foods high in calcium and vitamins contribute to stronger teeth and gums, which in turn support the longevity of your crowns and veneers. Avoiding hard foods and chewing on non-food items can also help protect your restorations from damage. Proper maintenance of dental crowns and veneers is key to ensuring their longevity and effectiveness. By committing to diligent brushing and flossing, being mindful of your diet, and avoiding harmful habits like smoking, you can protect your investment in your smile. At Simply Crowns, we offer dental crowns for $699.00 and veneers for $799.00, providing high-quality solutions to enhance your smile. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of your crowns and veneers for many years to come. Remember, your dental health is a lifelong journey, and taking proactive steps today will help you maintain a beautiful, functional smile well into the future. If you are ready to take this next step, feel free to contact us today for more information.  Whether you need a crown, a partial makeover, or just a few simple cosmetic enhancements, Simply Crowns can help. With facilities in Pflugerville, San Antonio, and Garland, we are conveniently located to serve patients in the Central Texas area. Our experienced team of professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams. Schedule an appointment today! Pronet Nakliyat company provides professional transportation services in the İstanbul evden eve nakliyat sector. There are corporate and safe transportation works throughout Istanbul and Turkey. In addition to transporting in all districts of Istanbul, it also provides services in offices located in the following districts. There are shipping offices in Bakırköy evden eve nakliyat , Şişli evden eve nakliyat , Maltepe evden eve nakliyat , Sarıyer evden eve nakliyat branches. Contact Us Make an Appointment Today!

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3-D Digital Scans of the Tooth

Why 3-D Imaging with Cerac AC Connect is a Game Changer at Simply Crowns By capturing detailed 3-D digital scans of the teeth, we can eliminate the need for messy impression materials and significantly reduce chair time for our patients. 3-D Digital Scans of the Tooth At Simply Crowns, we pride ourselves on providing top-quality dental care with the most advanced technology available. One of the key innovations that set us apart is our use of the Cerac AC Connect dental scanner for creating crowns. This cutting-edge 3-D imaging technology has revolutionized the way we make dental crowns, offering significant advantages over traditional impression methods. Traditional dental impressions can be uncomfortable and time-consuming for patients. The process involves using a gooey material that hardens around the teeth, often causing discomfort and gag reflexes. In contrast, the Cerac AC Connect dental scanner provides a quick, comfortable, and accurate alternative. By capturing detailed 3-D digital scans of the teeth, we can eliminate the need for messy impression materials and significantly reduce chair time for our patients. The digital scans are not only more comfortable but also more precise. They allow us to capture even the smallest details of the tooth’s surface, ensuring a perfect fit for the final crown. Once the scans are complete, they are immediately sent to our lab, where the crowns are expertly crafted. We believe in offering our patients the best materials available. That’s why we use zirconia for our crowns. Zirconia is renowned for its durability and strength, making it an excellent choice for dental restorations. Unlike porcelain or porcelain fused to metal crowns, zirconia crowns are more resistant to chipping and cracking, providing a longer-lasting solution for our patients. In addition to their durability, zirconia crowns offer superior aesthetics. They have a natural translucency that mimics the appearance of real teeth, ensuring a beautiful and natural-looking smile. The combination of strength and aesthetics makes zirconia the ideal material for dental crowns. The process of getting a dental crown at Simply Crowns Dentistry is straightforward and patient-friendly. It begins with the use of our Cerac AC Connect scanner to take precise 3-D digital scans of the tooth that needs a crown. These scans are then sent to our lab, where the crown is crafted to match the exact specifications. While the crown is being made, we prepare the tooth and place a temporary crown to protect it. This temporary crown will be in place for about two weeks, allowing time for the final zirconia crown to be fabricated. Once the crown is ready, we bring the patient back for a final fitting and delivery. Our skilled team ensures that the crown fits perfectly and looks natural, providing a seamless and comfortable experience for the patient. Simply Crowns Dentistry is committed to providing the highest quality dental care in Central Texas. Our use of advanced 3-D imaging technology and durable zirconia crowns ensures that our patients receive the best possible treatment. We stand behind our work, offering a two-year warranty on all our crowns, demonstrating our confidence in their durability and our dedication to patient satisfaction. In conclusion, the use of the Cerac AC Connect dental scanner and zirconia crowns at Simply Crowns Dentistry represents the future of dental care. Our quick, efficient, and comfortable process, combined with the superior quality of our crowns, ensures that our patients receive the best possible care. We are dedicated to helping our patients achieve beautiful, healthy smiles with the latest advancements in dental technology. Whether you need a crown, a partial makeover, or just a few simple cosmetic enhancements, Simply Crowns can help. With facilities in Pflugerville, San Antonio, and Garland, we are conveniently located to serve patients in the Central Texas area. Our experienced team of professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams. Schedule an appointment today! Pronet Nakliyat company provides professional transportation services in the İstanbul evden eve nakliyat sector. There are corporate and safe transportation works throughout Istanbul and Turkey. In addition to transporting in all districts of Istanbul, it also provides services in offices located in the following districts. There are shipping offices in Bakırköy evden eve nakliyat , Şişli evden eve nakliyat , Maltepe evden eve nakliyat , Sarıyer evden eve nakliyat branches. Contact Us Make an Appointment Today!

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